Why Local Flowers

Local flowers • Local farmers

Buying locally grown flowers matters.

  • 80% of the cut flowers sold in the United States are imported from overseas. This incurs large transportation, energy, refrigeration and storage costs, leaving an enormous carbon footprint.

    Local flowers truly are local. They are also usually more responsibly grown, using farming methods like organic/natural pest management and low-input fertilization programs. Their farms encourage biodiversity, soil health and water conservation.

    A huge win for Planet Earth!

  • Imported flowers are often cut a week or more before they arrive in a consumer’s hands. During this time, quality and vase life decline drastically. Local flowers can be in your hands within a day or less to enjoy, with a longer vase life.

    Many commodity-type grown flowers have been bred for uniformity to fit into a box and to hold up in that box for long-distance travel, usually losing their natural fragrance in the process. Locally-grown flowers are produced in greater varieties, providing a wide range of colors, forms and fresh scents.

  • The production and sale of locally-grown cut flowers contribute to a community’s economy, and provide employment and valuable agricultural experience to many.

Source: localflowers.org